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制裁は戦争につながるのか――イランのホルムズ海峡封鎖で蘇るパールハーバーの教訓、ならば奇襲攻撃に奇襲封鎖も有り得るのか2012/01/10 07:18



Iranian War Drums
In a loose comparison, Japan was also a country that at one time faced Iran’s current dilemma. After America embargoed oil shipments to the Asian power in July 1941, it was left with a choice of either military action or decline. As America soon, and painfully, found out, Japan preferred to fight rather than change its militaristic ways. And like Japan, Iran is also a country with a long and proud history with a sense of greatness and mission that comes from once being a great empire. It will most likely also rather fight than face inevitable decline.

2012/01/08(日) 15:41






Threat by Iran Adds to Specter of Conflict in Oil Lane (画像引用)
Still, defense analysts and Iran experts say there are reasons to worry. Just as a U.S. oil embargo in the early 1940s pushed a hostile Japan into miscalculations that proved suicidal, U.S. economic pressure on Iran could provoke a desperate response from a regime that feels it is under siege, said Fred Kagan of the American Enterprise Institute.


This Week at War: The Gathering Storm in the Gulf
What Iran should learn from Japan's pre-World War II mistakes.

Do Sanctions Lead to War?
The paradox of both the pre-World War II Japan and the current Iranian sanctions is that they appear to be working. But does this mean that they will gain the United States a desired outcome? Sanctions like warfare itself must lead to a clear conclusion. Clausewitz famous dictum: “war is the continuation of politics by other means” applies to current the situation like no other.

Iran Could Successfully Shut the Strait of Hormuz
Last week Iranian officials briefed the world’s press on their plans to close the Straits of Hormuz if the United States and its allies pushed to halt Iranian oil revenue, a tactic endorsed this week by President Obama and agreed to in principal by EU Ministers. Economic strangulation by the United States was the “official” rational the Japanese Government used as its pretext to attack Pearl Harbor in 1941. Japan considered economic sanctions to be an act of war.

The looming war with Iran
Elimination of Iran’s nuclear facilities? Yes. This part would turn out to be the final act, the grand finale. It might have been the major target, had the US initiated the attack. However, under this “Pearl Harbor” scenario, in which Iran had launched a “surprise” attack on the US navy, the US would have the perfect rationalization to finish them off, to put an end to this ugly game.

Kirk urges greater U.S. pressure on Iran as new sanctions start to bite
"Far more importantly, an unprovoked attack by Iran against the U.S. would be on the political order of idiocy of [Japan's 1941 attack on] Pearl Harbor. It would rally the American people to the cause."

Time to Attack Iran: Why a Strike is the Least Bad Option
By Matthew Kroenig

The worst case for war with Iran
Posted By Stephen M. Walt

Worst-Casing and Best-Casing Iran
Paul Pillar
Ample history demonstrates that having one's homeland become the target of an armed attack is the event most likely to lead even the most inward-looking and peace-loving nation to strike back forcefully. It is what happened to Americans with the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Iran, Realism and the “Theory-Practice Paradox”
John Schuessler